Website Hosting
I have limited web hosting spots but I am currently open for new hostees.
Notice: My hosting does not come with support other than something that is an error or issue on my end of the server. I will not help you build, maintain, debug, or otherwise structure/fix your website. However, I'm usually pretty helpful when asked.
Server Information
Privately owned server stored in a data center in the United States; all hosted accounts are on shared hosting plans within this server.
I will host any type of content that is not illegal; 18+ sites are welcome IF an age verification filter is installed OR content is hidden to guests and registration collects DOB.
I will not host any site that creates a hateful, discriminatory, or toxic environment in which marginalized or protected groups are isolated.
All hosted sites are provided with their own cPanel account.
Certain remote access is restricted to WebDAV only (I suggest WinSCP for Windows); no ftp connections, no smtp mail, etc. This does not mean you cannot remotely connect to your sites files it just means you have to use an alternative protocol method called WebDAV (but it basically acts the same as ftp access).
Review my Terms of Service.
All sales are final, strict no refund policy even in the event of downtime. If you want guranteed uptime please seek a different host.
Packages can fluctuate depending on your needs and budget; if you run out of space and need more but don't need anything else we can figure something out for you, I will not make you fully upgrade.
All new hostees will pay a one time $15.00 activation fee which includes your first month payment.
cPanel Features
Each of the above packages come with the following features within your cPanel. No packages come with CGI Access.
Need something in particular instead of a general package? Lets talk about it in my Discord server, I will set you up a private channel and we can work out a price based on your budget.